05.2012 | Bad Arolsen | Offene | E.Archibald, Irl | Exc |
03.2012 | Cloppenburg | Offene | G.Hennessy, GB | Exc |
11.2011 | Cloppenburg | Offene | D.Rose, GB | Vg |
08.2011 | Kreuztal | Zwischen | J.Ryder, GB | Exc |
02.2011 | Rheinberg | Jugend | D.Getzinger, A | Sg |
05.05.2012 Ausstellung Bad Arolsen, Richterin Ennah Archibald, Irl
balanced bitch, good reach of neck, well angulatet front and back, level topline, drops slightly on tail, moved well
24.03.2012 Ausstellung Cloppenburg, Richter George Hennessy, GB
very typical, good topline and tailset, sweetb head and expression, straight front, good bone and well bent stiffles, moved O.K.
26.11.2011 Advendsausstellung Cloppenburg, Richterin Dawn Rose, GB
Bigger bitch, which profuse coat, good length of neck, balanced angles. Moved well but slightly close behind. Handler may improve the presentaion to make more of this bitch.
Very good
27.08.2011 Ausstellung Kreuztal: Richterin Joyce Ryder, GB
A medium sized pale bitch in very good coat, correct head and correct depth of muzzle, good pigment, gentle expression, good lay back of shoulder, topline level into correct tail set, well bodied, moved very well
Februar 2011 Ausstellung Rheinberg, Richterin Doris Getzinger, A
....wird nachgereicht :)
Sehr gut